Wednesday, October 25


It´s good to be back in portugal. For one thing the music here is just so much better than elsewhere. It was a long day today though, I took a bus here from santiago which was late, and I had negelected to add in the time change so what I thought was a two hour bus ride was really four hours. And the bus dropped me outside the city center and since I couldn´t really figure out exactly where I needed to be I decided to walk to my hostel. By the time I found it I was exhausted and sweaty. And I only have one night here in porto so I felt pressure to sight see once I arrived. So what do I decide to do? Climb the tallest tower in portugal. 225 steps later, I was even more exhausted. But the view was incredible and the rain had temporarily stopped. But now it is raining again and the forcast is for rain, rain, and more rain. I may have to rethink Lisbon for somewhere dry and sunny, we´ll see.


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