Tuesday, October 31

Halloween in Lisboa

So the hostel here in Lisbon is having a halloween celebration. It's been a lot of fun. Last night we had a pumpkin carving party. A german engineer and I decided we were going to carve the lion from the fountain in the courtyard here. German engineering applied to a pumpkin--- it was quite the masterpiece.

Tonight is a costume party. The hostel provides costumes to travelers, I am a cat-- fitting.

During the day today I went to the aquarium at the Expo grounds here. It was a nice aquarium, but I didn't really feel it was much different than any other aquarium. Personally, I have a theory that it was constructed by someone from the US because all of the maps had the US smack in the center and Europe kind of split amongst the two sides. Further evidence is that the movie they were showing about the overharvesting of the ocean was definitely american-- there were even views of the Pike Place Market. They were also pushing the "seafood watch" pamphlet. It's definitely a concept I'm used to from the US, farm vs wild salmon. But I was surprised that the people I was with had not been aware of the issue until now, and I am sure most portugese are not very in tune to the issue.

Tomorrow is my last day in Lisbon, I'm a bit sad about it. I really love this city, and what's more bizzare is that I'm not entirely sure why. It just feels like home, but thursday I head to madrid for 5 more days of spanish fun until I head to the big apple.


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