Friday, September 15

Granada Granada

Well, I left madrid this morning. I had a hard time finding a place to stay there. I am now in Granada and am hoping to find a place that I could book for like a week here. I am a bit down as I am finding it harder than I thought I would to travel alone. The language barrier is pretty bad as no one, even train clerks or and tourist information booth clerks speak english. For example, after getting off the train this morning in granada I went to the information station thinking that they would be able to give me a map of where to go to find the hotel I had booked. The man informed me he did not speak english and did not have maps (the latter was through some interesting signing and a bit of inferring on my part). So I left on foot to try to find my way into Granada, (There did not appear to be any buses or cabs). I had luckily met a few fellow travelers and so I was not alone in my search nonetheless it was about an hour and a half of walking around before I found my hotel. Now I have been forced to part ways with said travelers and it is getting a bit lonely.

I´m frustrated, and while I have a hotel for tonight I was just informed (from what I could gather in my broken spanish) that they are full tomorrow night, as is the one recommended hostel that I know of so that means that either tonight or tomorrow night I have to set out on foot again trying to find a place to stay, I must say I am not especially enjoying traveling without a route, at least in the end of the high season.

So that pretty much brings you up to speed, in case you couldn´t tell I´m a bit down. Hopefully my next post will be more hopeful.

I should add a post script that Granada is very beautiful city. One of the quaintest I have ever seen.



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