Wednesday, September 13

Hola from Madrid

I was going to try to do that title completely in Spanish but I´m not sure exactly how to say it. Is it Hola de Madrid? That would be my guess.

Well, I´m here. I left Seattle Tuesday morning at 6:00am Pacific time. I was a nervous wreck as the reality of traveling alone in a country where I don´t speak the language was starting to hit me. My nerves did calm down as I flew on (I think mostly because I was realizing there was no turning back) although on the final flight I was stuck sitting next to a very large spanish man who couldn´t speak any english. This did not help my nerves with regard to my language skills. I think I pointed out Long Island when he was asking where the statue of liberty was. Fewer people here speak english than I thought but my hotel clerks are fairly fluent and all the metro signs are in both languages so I am hopeful that through time and with skillful use of tourist offices with english speakers I will be ok traveling here.

I arrived in Madrid at 9:35am this morning (12:35 am pacific time) The tourist information booth at the airport was awesome at getting me the information I needed to find my hotel and it only cost me 1 euro to get into town. The metro system in Madrid makes me realize how far behind we seattlites are in terms of public transportation. The ride on the metro taught me spaniards or at least those in madrid are very beautiful and well put together people---who really like their cologne.

I was amazed at the beauty of madrid as I surfaced at the metro station at Puerta Del Sol. I felt like I was in disneyland. I know that sounds horribly american and naive but not having traveled in Europe before I have not been exposed to the quaintness of public plazas and winding cobblestone streets except in fabricated facades such as that. I wonder if I will take them for granted by the end of this trip, I hope not.

I found my hotel, equally quaint and, exhausted and allowed myself a seista this afternoon as I am sure I will still be able to sleep fine this evening. So that brings me to the present, as i sit in this internet cafe and write my blog. My plan is to wander the streets of Los Austrias a bit more and maybe grab a tapas or two before returning to my hotel room where I will hopefully get a good nights sleep. More tomorrow.


Blogger Rocky Mountain Suz said...

Yeah! Glad you made to Spain.
Can't wait to hear more about your travels.

9:51 AM  

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